people in Uvalde healed of emotional pain

This page gives some brief testimonies of people from Uvalde who have been healed of some emotional pain in their lives and are supportive of this "Healing Uvalde" outreach. This page will continue growing as others are set free and give permission to have their stories and pictures displayed. 

I couldn't quit smiling

     I grew up in Uvalde and attended Robb Elementary School as a child. I was feeling a lot of sadness and anger after the shooting and spoke with Dr. Gardner. He helped me make a list of all the things that made me sad about the shooting and we identified 12 reasons for my sadness. He led me in a prayer and I told the Lord why I was sad, and asked the Lord to take my sadness from me. My mind was suddenly filled with hope and my sadness left me.

     Then Dr. Gardner asked me why I was mad and helped me make a list of 8 reasons for my anger about the shooting. He led me in another prayer and I told the Lord why I was angry, and asked the Lord to take my anger from me. My mind was suddenly filled with positive thoughts and my anger left me. It was suddenly gone! I felt better than I had for a month! A huge smile came over my face and I felt joy and peace in my heart. 

i felt god give me a hug

My mother and two of my nieces died on August 11, 2006 in a violent car wreck. It was very traumatic for me and sixteen years later I still felt deep sadness about mom on the anniversary of her death. I had been crying all day, when I met with Dr. Gardner, and he told me that the first step in releasing grief is to make a list of the things I missed about her, so he helped me make a list of the things that I missed the most about mom. I missed her phone calls, hearing her voice and talking with her every night. I missed her sense of humor, her love and affection, her teaching me about God, her cooking, her singing, and her generosity. After a short while we had a list of 34 things that I missed about her.

Dr. Gardner told me that the second step in overcoming grief was to tell God what I missed about my mom, and he led me in a prayer in which I told the Lord all the things I missed about her. Then I asked the Lord to take my grief from me and carry it for me. After that, Dr. Gardner prayed and asked the Lord what He wanted me to know. As I sat quietly, I had a visual picture of my mother come to my mind; she had a big smile on her face and I saw her standing and looking very peaceful and calm, with a serene smile on her face. I also had the words come to my mind, “She’s ok.” It felt true to me and the sadness and grief I had initially, was gone. After carrying these intense feelings of grief over the loss of my mother for 16 years, I finally felt at peace about her.

On another occasion Dr. Gardner prayed with me about some sadness I had, and I actually felt an embrace from Jesus! I am a counselor myself, but I have never experienced such profound emotional relief. I can tell you from my personal and my professional experience, that Dr. Gardner’s techniques work. I want to help him spread this message throughout Uvalde and see people get set free from their anger, grief, fear and shame as a result of the shooting.

i really do feel better!

Albert lost his wife of 20 years in June of 2021 and it hit him very hard. He said that he was very close to her and couldn't function after she died. Dr. Gardner explained that there were two steps for overcoming grief, and the first one was to make a list of everything that you miss about the person you lost. Albert said that she was his "soul-mate" and they did everything together. He missed her companionship, her love, her sense of humor, and 30 other things about her. After we made this list, he said a prayer and asked God to take his grief and pain from him. He said that he felt relief and felt more calm.

Albert said that he also lost his mother in April of 2022, and this increased his emotional pain. We went through the same process as before and made a list of 28 specific things he missed about his mother. Then he prayed and asked the Lord to take his grief from him. When Dr. Gardner asked the Lord if there was anything that He want Albert to know Albert said, "She's home free; she suffered a lot, she's young again." He then said that he felt happy, and no longer had any grief. As he got ready to leave, he said, "I really do feel better."  

Praise God that He truly "Heals the broken-hearted and sets the captives free."

set free promotional video

This video presents a brief composite testimony of five individuals who received personal prayer ministry from Dr. Gardner and they share their stories of how the Lord set them free.