A woman became extremely anxious when she heard that her husband’s ex-wife was coming to town. The ex- had made threats against her previously, and the prospect of her coming to town made this woman very fearful, helpless, and nauseous. She begged her husband to take her away from their town where she had so many memories of abuse, but her husband insisted that she could not run from her problems.
I encouraged her to focus on her feelings of anxiety and asked her when was the first time she had felt such feelings. She said the first time was when she was a child and her father yelled at her and threatened to beat her. She felt fearful and helpless, and these bad feelings began to flood her mind, and she began to feel anger at her father and at God for allowing her to experience such terrible things as a child. I asked her if she would like to get rid of her anger and she said she would, so we made a list of her resentments toward her father and toward God. We prayed about her anger and she was able to release it, then she said she still felt fearful, so I prayed, “Lord, what is the truth that you want her to know about her belief that she is helpless, is going to be hurt, and something terrible is going to happen?”
She stated that the thoughts that came to her were, “He is here with me; He will protect me.” “Do those thoughts feel true?” I asked. She said they did. As we reviewed her emotions she indicated that she no longer felt any anger or fear about meeting her husband’s ex-wife.
The following week went well, she had no more anger toward her father or God, and she was no longer fearful of confronting her husband's ex-wife. She stated that she felt so good during the week that her husband asked her at one point, “Are you on drugs?” She laughed and said that she was not but she felt good because she had been able to resolve her anxieties and release her anger.
Helplessness, is based upon beliefs such as, “I am weak, I am powerless, I cannot do anything to resist him, I’m too small to do anything about it, I’m overwhelmed, everything is out of control, I’m trapped, and there is no way out.” These types of beliefs lead to feelings of helplessness, but once you identify the original source of these feelings, you then can express these beliefs and pray for truth, to be set free.