our mission and vision


Our Mission 

1)  To unite Christians and churches in Uvalde in PRAYER for the protection of the children, for the healing of all those traumatized in Uvalde, and for the demonstration of the power of God through prayer.

2)  To provide practical TRAINING for churches in how to help individuals heal from the emotions of grief, anger, shame, and fear through prayer. 

3)   To encourage all believers in Uvalde to PLEDGE to never let the sun go down on their anger again, so that the devil will not take advantage of it to destroy Uvalde.


4)  To encourage all believers to "not be OVERCOME by evil, but overcome evil with good" by engaging in random acts of kindness and love toward others in Uvalde.

strengthening Families

Dr. Gardner has been using the prayer principle of Set Free Prayer Ministry for 24 years and has found them to be powerful and effective in helping people overcome feelings of grief, anger, shame, sadness, depression, and anxiety. These are the underling emotions behind traumas that need to be resolve so that the traumatized person can experience genuine peace in their life and be a good parent and spouse, and so that their families will grow stronger rather than weaker as a result of the trauma in Uvalde.

our vision

To spread the truth about the healing power of prayer so that Christian churches in Uvalde will teach believers how the Lord can set them free from grief, anger, shame, fear, addiction and depression.  When May 24, 2024 arrives it is our vision that the victims and citizens of Uvalde will give clear and powerful testimony to the power of God to set them free through prayer, and that a spirit of love and forgiveness will be seen throughout Uvalde.