FEAR: Fears are belief-based emotions that are generally connected to the following thoughts and beliefs: "I'm going to die, something terrible is going to happen to me, I'm going to be hurt, he is going to come back and hurt me again, if I tell anyone he will come back and hurt me again, it will destroy my family, doom and despair are coming to me." Exaggerated fears are the result of past traumatic experiences that cause excessive fear of various things, such as storms, water, the dark, heights, bugs, spiders, being in enclosed spaces, etc...

The Bible says, "God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and love and discipline" (2 Timothy 1:7). There are 365 places in the Bible where we are told to not fear, but when frightening things happen to us in our childhood, they cause us to involuntarily react in fear as adults. It is not God's will that we be fearful, but it is not a sin because fears are based upon lies we believe and the Lord wants to set us free from those lies and give us peace. He gives us the principles to be able to overcome our fears when we learn to pray about our fears and ask Him to replace our fear-causing beliefs to be replace with His truth, which then sets us free.

the cause of fears

     One day Jesus and his disciples climbed into a boat to cross the sea, and he laid down and went to sleep. A storm arose and the waves began to spill into the boat, so his disciples became fearful. They woke him up and said, “Teacher, do you not care that we are perishing?” Jesus got up and rebuked the wind and said, “Peace, be still” (Mark 5:39). The wind died down and became calm and He said, “Why are you afraid?”

The disciples were afraid because they believed the lies that Jesus didn’t care, He was just a good teacher, and they were all going to die. When he calmed the seas, they suddenly came to realize that He was God and their fear of drowning suddenly disappeared. Fears are based upon false beliefs such as: “Something terrible is going to happen; I’m going to die; he is going to return and hurt me again.” You cannot easily talk people out of these beliefs but God is able to replace false beliefs with His truth to set us free (John 8:32).

The beliefs that are usually connected to feelings of fear are: "I'm going to die, I'm trapped, he is going to come back and hurt me again, something terrible is going to happen to me, I'm going to be hurt, if I tell anyone they will come back and hurt me again, it will destroy my family if I tell anyone, doom and despair are coming to me."

steps for overcoming fears

Fears are difficult to remove using traditional mental health techniques, but Jesus can remove them easily when you take the following three simple steps:

STEP ONE: Identify the source of your fear, when you first felt it.

STEP TWO: Identify the belief you had about the event such as “I’m going to die, he is going to come back and hurt me again, or something terrible is going to happen.”

STEP THREE: Think about the original event and remember these thoughts, then say a prayer asking the Lord what He wants you to know. Listen quietly and see what thoughts come to your mind.

child overcomes his fear of the dark

A Christian father was putting his 10-year-old son to bed one night and the boy asked him to leave the door open a little and to leave a light on. The father asked his son why he was afraid but the boy said he didn’t know. His dad asked him if he wanted him to pray for him and the boy said he did so the father prayed, “Lord, would you help Mark know why he is afraid.

His son said, “I’m afraid that a stranger will break in my room and take me away.” His father asked if he could pray again, then he asked the Lord what he wanted his son to know about that fear. After praying the father asked his son if he had any thoughts come to his mind. The boy said, “God said, ‘That’s not going to happen; He’s going to protect me. He’s with me.’”

The boy suddenly relaxed and began to smile. He said that he was no longer afraid because he knew that he was safe. He felt peaceful and he rolled over and said, “Good night, daddy!” His father gave him a hug and told him “Goodnight” and turned out the light.

This father was wise enough to understand that the Lord is able to reveal the reasons for our fears and to take us to their source. When he prayed for his son, the Lord helped him understand his fears.

This boy’s fears suddenly disappeared when the Lord spoke truth into his heart. This father understood that fears are based upon irrational beliefs (lies) that we believe that cause us to overreact to things in our lives, and he knew that God can set us free through prayer.

application of this principle


It is normal to be afraid of snakes, other dangerous animals, falling over a cliff, and swimming in deep, treacherous waters. These fears cause you to take caution when in dangerous circumstances and protect you. When you overreact to something, such as being terrified when you see a bug or water it is called a "phobia." Phobias can create many social problems and cause your children to be excessively fearful of things in the future.


The children at Robb Elementary School who survived the shooting in Uvalde may have a variety of fears in the future that can disable them and interfere with their lives. They may have an excessive fear of crowds, schools, the sight of guns, fireworks, and being in an enclosed area where they feel trapped. It is normal to have such fears after experiencing a very traumatic experience, but the Lord does not want us to be stuck in our fears permanently. He has provided a means to set us free from all our fears so that they will not control us the rest of our lives.


Sometimes people have excessive fears and cannot remember having an earlier experience that caused the fear. If you truly want to be set free from a fear it is often helpful to pray and ask the Lord to take you to the original source of your fear. As you quietly meditate, the Lord may bring to your mind an earlier time when you had an experience that caused you to have this fear. 


If an earlier memory comes to your mind, identify the beliefs and thoughts that you had at the time, then pray for truth about those beliefs.  Listen quietly and the Lord will give you the truth you need to know to be set free from your fear of that original memory.  If this does not happen, it usually means that you have some anger that you need to release first, because the Lord does not usually speak to us when we are full of anger. Give your anger to the Lord, then pray again and ask for truth and He will most likely give you the truth you need to be set free.

All deep fears are rooted in underlying beliefs that keep us in bondage and fear. Just as Jesus' disciples were afraid of the storm and were afraid that they were going to drown, the Lord taught them the truth that set them free: "I am with you and nothing can harm you when I am in the boat with you."

ACTS 18:9-10

"And the Lord said to Paul in the night by a vision, "Do not be afraid any longer, but go on speaking and do not be silent; for I am with you, and no man will attack you in order to harm you, for I have many people in this city."