A man came to a Set Free meeting one time and shared that he had lost a friend recently who died of cancer. When he mentioned this friend, his eyes became red and it was obvious that he had some unresolved feelings of grief. So I asked him if he would like to get rid of those feelings, and he said that he would. I asked him what feelings he had when he thought about his friend. He missed his friend and felt some grief, but he was most distraught that the friend was an atheist, and so he felt some sadness because he believed that his friend was spending eternity in hell. That's truly sad to think about friends or family members being in hell, so what would you say to ease that sadness?
I made a list of the reasons for his sadness. He said that he was sad that he was not present when his friend died, his friend didn't know the Lord, he couldn't get clean himself long enough to help his friend, and his friend didn't get to see him get well and get off the drugs. We ended up with seven reasons for his sadness. Then I made a list of ten things he missed about his friend. He said he missed talking with him about everything, spending time with him, having fun together, seeing the smile on his face, hearing his laughter, and enjoying his friendship and joyfulness. I explained to this man that there were two steps to getting rid of his grief and sadness: first, he had to be honest about his feelings and write them out, and second, he needed to pray and tell the Lord what he missed about his friend, then ask Him to take it from him and carry it for him.
I asked him if I could lead him in a prayer, and he said I could. We told the Lord everything that he missed about his friend and everything that made him sad about his friend, and then we asked the Lord to take his grief and sadness and carry it for him. After we finished praying I asked him to think about his friend and tell me how he felt. He said that he felt “happiness.” I asked him if he had any sadness and he said that he did feel some sadness still about his friend not knowing the Lord. So, he prayed again and said, “Lord, it makes me sad that my friend was an atheist and did not know you, and it makes me sad to think that he is spending eternity in hell. But Lord, I'm tired of carrying this sadness, so right now I choose to give it to you, and I ask you to please take this from me and carry it for me. So, I give it to you now, in Jesus’ name. Amen.”
When we were finished I asked the Lord if there was anything that He wanted this man to know. The man said he had no thoughts come to his mind, but when I asked him how he felt when he thought about his friend being in hell he said, “At ease; peace.” He then said, “It was his choice; whether he is in heaven or hell shouldn't be my burden.” Those two thoughts came from the Lord and brought peace to his heart. The Lord took his grief and his sadness from him and gave him the insight that it was his friend’s choice and that he shouldn't carry that burden. The truth set him free from his worry and sadness about his friend. I didn't know what to say to comfort him, but the Lord did and took away his sadness.